Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Author Interview with C.D. Gorri


Hi everyone it's been a while, because a multitude of reasons, but I am happy to bring you a brand new author interview today. I hope you all enjoy on this awesome day and as always all links for me and author will be below 

  1. How long have you been writing or when did you start? 


I have always wanted to be a writer. From as early as nine years old, I was an avid reader and frequently got lost in books. In college, I pursued a degree in literature with a creative writing minor and kept journals of stories for years after. So writing was very much my goal for most of my life. I did not start publishing until after my children became of school age and that was with my first book Wolf Moon, a young adult paranormal novel that I published through Amazon in 2014. So, I’ve been publishing for nine years, this is my tenth. But I have been writing since I could hold a pencil. 😉


2.What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?


Both are super important and since like 90% of my writing is done in my head, it is hard to say. I can tell you a huge part of my process involves making the cover. So, I guess I am more of a visual person. Since taking on the role of cover designer as well as author and publicist (just some of the many hats I wear as an indie published author) I find cover design helps me focus the story more. 



  1. How do you develop your plot and characters? 


A lot of it is just thinking. All of my stories are set in the same fictional universe regardless of genre, so the rules are there for me. My characters, settings, and creatures overlap, sometimes showing up in each others’ tales and creating this sort of map or web of commonalities. Plot lines depend on the characters. What kind of hero/heroine am I writing? When the story is a romance then that is where I am focused on developing their love and connection. How do I do it? I read, I write, and I think about them all the time.


4 What, to you, are the most important elements of good writing?


To me, good writing is when the author says something the reader connects with or finds entertaining. It’s not about how good the author’s spellcheck program or editor is.


Storytellers have a really unique job in that way. We’re supposed to bring you to a place other than the reality you are in with our words. We’re supposed to convey universal truths through comedy, drama, or whatever means that move you. It’s not an easy job, but if we can connect with one person, then that’s good writing.


5 What is the most difficult part of your writing process? 


Time. Time is the only thing we all really have in common. No matter where or who we are, it keeps marching on the same. I have a lot of stories in my head, I just need more time.


6.  How do you process and deal with book reviews? 

With wine and humor. LOL. No, but really, the way I see it is this, bad reviews happen. It’s not the end of the world. There are some good reviews thrown in there, too. I do not let it discourage me in the least. Everyone has an opinion, and they are entitled to it. Of course, I am human, and I enjoy praise. When people put down my work, it can hurt, but that’s okay. It is for me to deal with. Reviews ultimately have no bearing on what I do and will continue to do.


7. How many books have you written and which is your favorite?


I have over 165 published works and whatever I am working on tends to be my favorite at that time. LOL. But if pressed, I would say my very first book, Wolf Moon, will always be my favorite as will its heroine, Grazi Kelly, who is the bravest person I have ever known (even if I only met her in my dreams).

8. What was your hardest scene to write, and why?

There is a scene at the end of Blood Moon, the last book of the Grazi Kelly Novel Series, that I found very difficult because it involved the end of one of my favorite characters.


9. Which of the characters do you relate to the most and why?


I love Charley from Charley’s Christmas Wolf. Growing up, my family had a deli in Jersey City and that was sort of my background for this character. I know who she is and where she is coming from, so I appreciate her a whole lot. Curvy girl who can cook gets swept away into a world of Werewolves and fated mates, what’s not to like?


10. What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?

I am a hybrid. I plot for months before I start to write something, but in my head not on the screen. Then when I sit down to type, it’s usually some very intense days of nonstop writing.


11. What is your schedule like when you’re writing a book?


Wish I had a schedule, but it’s more like this drive that says get this done now and I try to do it. That’s all. But yes, I write every day. I manage social media daily and advertising. Somewhere int here I do the graphic design part, too.


12. If you were to write a spin-off about a side character, which would you pick?

I have dozens of series of spin off characters. IN fact, I started writing urban fantasy with Wolf Moon, and we meet Rafe Maccon in book 2 of that series. Rafe is the hero of Charley’s Christmas Wolf and the Alpha of the Macconwood Pack which appears in almost all my PNR books after that. 😊


13 Do you play music while you write — and, if so, what’s your favorite?


Nope. I needs the quiet.


14. Have you ever killed off a character your readers loved? 

Not really. I write romance and mostly PNR romcom. Most deaths are for bad characters.


15. What books do you enjoy reading?

I read a ton. I particularly like contemporary cowboy romance like Diana Palmer and Linda Lael Miller. But I also read a bunch of indies I have grown to love.


16. Do you prefer ebooks, printed books, or audiobooks most of the time?

I prefer ebooks. I read too much too fast to have hard copies.


17. What books have you read more than once in your life? 

Anything I find worth reading I have read at least twice. For example, the Harry Potter books I have read several times over the years.


18. Does anyone in your family read your books? 

My husband likes horror novels, and one of our children enjoys reading.


19.Would you share something about yourself that your readers don’t know (yet)?

I was born and raised in Hoboken, New Jersey and I love my home state. I try to set every single book in NJ or have at least one character from there.


20. If you had to describe yourself in just three words, what would those be?

Stubborn. Determined. Hardworking.

I hope everyone enjoys these amazing blogs, and please always check back for more. Listed below are all links for author and blogger.

Tea, love and books as always my loves






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